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Grassland Programs


The Nobles SWCD assists with the marketing, promotion, technical assistance and management of several grassland programs designed to improve water quality, reduce soil erosion and improve wildlife habitat. The Nobles SWCD partners with other agencies to work with a large amount of landowners with various programs. Please review the list of available programs and contact our office if you have any interest in obtaining more information on a program or to receive an estimate of program benefits available to you. 

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)


The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) compensates landowners to plant native grasses and trees as well as to restore wetlands on marginal areas of land. These programs also aim to improve water quality, reduce soil erosion and improve wildlife habitat. CRP is a 10 or 15 year contract that is paid on a yearly basis. Many land owners take advantage of CRP programs to "square off" cropland acres for ease of farming. If you have difficulties with drown out areas or erosion this program may be right for you. For an estimate, more information or to see if you are eligible for CRP, contact our Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist, Cole Neibauer


Main Office Contact: Cole Neibauer at 507-376-9150  ext 131



Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (MN CREP) 


MN CREP is a state easement (RIM) with an upfront 15-year CRP contract. This will permanently protect the land from development and promote habitat for wildlife by restoring land with native grasses and forbs. This program takes marginal cropland acres out of production and provides landowners with fair compensation based on your soil types. If you have difficulties with drown out areas or erosion this program may be right for you. For an estimate, more information, or to see if you are eligible for MN CREP, contact our Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist, Cole Neibauer. 


Main Office Contact: Cole Neibauer at 507-376-9150  ext 131



Reinvest In Minnesota (RIM)


The Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR) offers landowners a one-time payment to retire marginal land and convert it to conservation cover that will increase water quality, reduces soil erosion and improves wildlife habitat. Payment rates for land with crop history range from $7,000-$9,000 an acre and is based on land values in each township. RIM focuses on wetland restorations and stream buffers.


Wetlands can be currently cropped or in CRP. Restorations include tile breaks, re-routing of tile, embankments and/or daylighting of tile. A wetland easement can act as your own tile outlet as well. Wetlands are important for flood water storage, reduction in nutrient runoff, ground water retention and provide habitat to a number of threatened species.


Buffers are important for acting as a filter from surface water runoff, bank erosion and reduce the adverse effects of flooding on crop fields. Many times a CRP contract and a RIM easement can be signed up to maximize payments.

Landowners retain ownership and hunting rights on the property and are also required to maintain cover. The state pays for the planting of native grasses, wetland restoration work or tree plantings on RIM lands. There are also tax incentives. For an estimate, more information or to see if you are eligible contact our Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist, Cole Neibauer


Main Office Contact: Cole Neibauer 507-376-9150 ext 131

Other Grassland/Wildlife Inquiries


We are available to help establish, plan, manage and improve grassland areas and wildlife habitat.  We can take a look at the area you have in question during an on-site visit and also through aerial images to find the best suited plan. See the list below in regards to the other services we offer in regards to both. The list provides past examples, but is not limited. If there is a program you are interested in that is not listed please let us know. Contact our Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist, Cole Neibauer, if you have any questions or inquiries regarding the various programs available. 


Grassland Programs

  • Harvestable Buffer

  • Managed Grazing Plan


Wildlife Programs

  • Invasive Tree or Weed Problems

  • Advice on placement of tree plantings

  • Food plot varieties and placement



Main Office Contact: Cole Neibauer 507-376-9150 ext 131

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